Warning Letter
Mr. / Ms. _______
Mr./ Ms. _____________,
This is in continuation to our letter dated _____________, which was sent to your last known address, by registered post, calling upon you to submit a written explanation within 48 hours, for your continued absence, without any intimation . We noted with regret that you have neither resumed your duties nor have you explained the reason for your continued, wilful and unauthorized absence.
As per the terms of your appointment letter, it is clearly indicated that absence for a continuous period without prior approval of your superior, (including overstay on leave/ training) would result in you losing your lien on the service and the same shall automatically come to an end without any notice or intimation.
You are hereby informed that you have lost your lien on your service as a ________________________ and it is deemed that you have abandoned the employment of your own accord. The relationship between you and the Co. has ceased to exist with effect from ___________________.
You may collect your full & final settlement dues, if any, from the Accounts Department.
For ____________,
(Authorized Signatory)