( Company name & Address )
Subject: Notice for infringement of Trademark “PRODUCT NAME”.
Kind Attn.:
We, ______________ (India) Private Limited / Limited (hereinafter referred as “___________”) are a company registered under the Indian Companies Act, 1956 and engaged in the business of dealing in ________________ products.
This notice is to bring to your attention that “PRODUCT NAME” is a registered Trademark of The ——————- Company, USA in India. The ——————- Company, USA vide Trademark number _______ dated ___________ has obtained the trademark of “PRODUCT NAME” in India from Trade Mark Registry, (State), India. Furthermore, ___________ Company, USA and _________ (India) Private Limited / Limited) are group companies under the same umbrella; and ___________ (above mentioned company name) has the exclusive license to use and deal with “PRODUCT NAME” in India.
It has come to the knowledge of ______________ (Company name) that a ____________ product called “PRODUCT NAME” is being imported and sold in (State), India by ______________________________.
In view of the above, we strongly object to your act of importing, selling and marketing “PRODUCT NAME”. The sale of the “PRODUCT NAME” by you is unauthorized and illegal. Please note, that as a seller of the product you are liable for infringement of our trademark right in “PRODUCT NAME” mark. The infringement of trade mark attracts both civil and criminal penalties under the Trade Mark Act, 1999 and under other applicable laws.
We advise you to discontinue with immediate effect the importing, selling and marketing of “PRODUCT NAME” in India.
In case, if you are willing to stop importing selling and marketing the “PRODUCT NAME” with immediate effect, we make a without prejudice offer not to take action against you.
We look forward to your response within ____ (——-) days of receipt of this letter. In case you have any queries in relation to above, please feel free to contact the undersigned.
Yours Sincerely,
For, ……………………………….
(Authorized Signatory)