Name of the candidate
Dear Mr. / Ms.______,
This has reference to your interview application no.————-, indicating interest in seeking employment with our company. We thank you for the same.
We would like to personally meet you for a discussion on ___________ (topic) at _____ (time) at the following address: __________________________________________________ _____________________.
We hope that the time and venue is suitable to you. If it is not, we request you to get in touch with Mr./ Ms._________(contact no.) indicating suitable date and time for the same.
The company will reimburse you the expenses incurred by you for this meeting. As per our guidelines, you will be entitled to —- class A.C. by train or ——class by air and both to and fro train fare / Y class airfare expenses will be borne by the company on submission of the original details.
We are enclosing our company application form and request you to fill the same and bring it along with you when you come for this visit. This will facilitate the interview process.
To help us co-ordinate this meeting effectively, we request you to confirm to us your availability for this meeting either by fax / mail or on phone. Our fax no. is ___________ , e-mail address is _________________ and our board telephone no. is 91-00-000000. Kindly ask for assistance to Mr. / Ms. ________ who will be your contact person throughout the process.
We look forward to meeting you.
Warm Regards,
Name of the Manager