Ref: Our PF code No. DL———
Dear Sir,
This is in reference of our Monthly Challan for m/o Jan. 2012 Rs. 538086/-
The above Payment we have deposited at SBI (branch), New Delhi on (date). The Calculation of PF Contribution/Administration charges etc. was done correctly on total wages of Rs. ———– & also deposited in time with SBI.
However, through oversight in our challan we have shown total wages as ——-/- (instead of Rs.—————–/-). So we request you to please make a note of it.
A copy of revised challan along with photocopy of receipted Bank challan is enclosed for your ready reference.
Inconvenience regretted.
Kindly acknowledge the receipt.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For ____________________________________
Authorised Signatory