Personal & Confidential DATE : ________ Mr. / Ms. _______ Address : _______ Dear __________ Intent Lette...
Dear (Candidate) Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you that _____________ (company name) is making a...
Subject : Job offer acceptance email Dear _______ , I would like to thank you for offering me the position of...
[DATE] [NAME AND ADDRESS] Dear [NAME], It was a pleasure to speak with you on [DATE, ex. Tuesday] regar...
[DATE] [NAME AND ADDRESS] Dear [NAME], I am sorry that we have not heard from you since we offered you...
Date Mr. / Ms. ___________ ___________________ ___________________ Dear Mr. / Ms.________, I am pleased to extend an invitation to you to join the faculty of the Department of ______________... Read more
Dear Candidate, Greetings of the Day from M/s………………….! With reference to your Application dated……………and by the subsequ... Read more
Date : ______ INTERNSHIP OFFER LETTER Trainee Name Trainee Address Dear Mr. / Ms. Trainee Name, The RPI is pleased to offer you an educational inter... Read more
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