Personal & Confidential DATE : ________ Mr. / Ms. _______ Address : _______ Dear __________ Intent Lette...
Dear (Candidate) Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you that _____________ (company name) is making a...
Subject : Job offer acceptance email Dear _______ , I would like to thank you for offering me the position of...
[DATE] [NAME AND ADDRESS] Dear [NAME], It was a pleasure to speak with you on [DATE, ex. Tuesday] regar...
[DATE] [NAME AND ADDRESS] Dear [NAME], I am sorry that we have not heard from you since we offered you...
Date : ________ [NAME, COMPANY AND ADDRESS] Dear _______ [NAME, ex. Amit], Hi _________ [NAME, ex. Amit]. Long time no see. How are things with your family? I h... Read more
Personal & Confidential DATE : ________ Mr. / Ms. _______ Address : _______ Dear __________ Intent Letter for the Position of ____________ With reference to your application and subseq... Read more
Dear (Candidate) Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you that _____________ (company name) is making an employment offer for the role of “_____________” (Designation & Department... Read more
Subject : Job offer acceptance email Dear _______ , I would like to thank you for offering me the position of ______ [Position offered] with your company. After considering your proposal I a... Read more
[DATE] [NAME AND ADDRESS] Dear [NAME], It was a pleasure to speak with you on [DATE, ex. Tuesday] regarding our job offer. {ALTERNATIVELY, I thank you for your letter of [DATE, ex. J... Read more
[DATE] [NAME AND ADDRESS] Dear [NAME], I am sorry that we have not heard from you since we offered you a position at our firm. Reluctantly, we are no longer able to uphold our job of... Read more
[DATE] [NAME AND ADDRESS] Dear [NAME], I am reluctantly writing to inform you that we are no longer able to uphold our job offer to you of [DATE, ex. June 1, 2015] for the position of [STAT... Read more
[DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11,2015] [NAME AND ADDRESS] Dear [NAME], It was a pleasure to speak with you on [DATE, ex. Tuesday] regarding our job offer. {ALTERNATIVELY, I thank you fo... Read more
[DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11, 2015] [NAME AND ADDRESS] Dear [NAME], I was pleased to meet with you on [DATE, ex. Monday]. I was quite impressed with your abilities and skills. Your qualif... Read more
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